Concerning inks would you agree for a regulation forcing manufacturers to show on bottles chimical components?
Of course! its really important to know the chemical composition of pigments. some inks are based with lacquer like the paint for the cars! can you imagine how it’s hard to remove this kind of ink? some synthetis pigments have a complex chimical nature with metalloids hard to remove. what would be important is to know the granulation of each type of ink. the powder
that is used to make ink got a seize from 0.6 microns to 30 microns. At 0.6 microns it’s directly absorbed by the macrophages and goes into the blodd flood. so this tattoo will not last. a tattoo with grain from 20 to 30 microns will be more difficult to explode than an aesthetical tattoo that is made with smaller grain…
Some inks are minerals based and are used for the making of colours like brown are blue. you can find ink made with burned animals bones etc…there was a lot of allergy with the red but now the alizarine used in the red is fine. there was also problems with the green it’s often made with chrome. the purple and the yellow are sensitive to light because they behold cadmium.
what isd your opinion on the new inks on the market like the luminous ink?
before we had natural pigments that were more some sorte of coloring like indigo used in the textil industry. so since the beginning of the 20th century tattooists have moved to synthesis pigments. they are stabilised with resins. resin gives brilliance to the the color. for us thats the main probleme. personally i have never treated luminous ink but i imagine how it must react with time and how hard it to explode it.
Most of the synthesis pigments are now made with iron oxide. and when we talk about oxidation its mainly in detattooing matter.
when we use a laser on it their’s a transformation of the oxide. for exemple a light brown pigment will become black their’s a chemical reaction with the heat of the laser.
can you explain to us what is chromatography?
that’s the study of quantification of the colors.
what is a histopathological assessment?
we take a sample of skin, we call this a biopsy. we look at it in a microscope and we can see how deep the pigment is tattooed.
usually it is superficial but it’s often very deep when the tattoo is handmade.
what happens when someone is physically bothered by colored tattooed on him?
if the person got an allergy due to a color (often red and green) those colors must detattooed.
the ideal would be to make a dermatologicall assessment before getting tattooed. but there’s no treatment, no cream, for physically bothering color it must be detattooed.
The vitiligo is (white stains) is considered as an illness. is it better to wait to be cured to get tattooed?
In all the congress i scream out loud that a vitiligo MUST not be tattooed for two reasons. when you tattoo a vitiligo sheet the tattoo’s color turns. it’s immunologic when the tattooist does a tattoo on someone who got vitiligo it launches a vitiligo eruption!